Milks important notice

Please read this important notice. Breastfeeding is best for babies and has many benefits for both you and your baby. It is important that you eat a healthy well-balanced diet in preparation for and during breastfeeding.

If you are considering changing over from breastfeeding or combining breast and bottle feeding, talk to your midwife or health visitor first. Once the decision to stop breastfeeding has been made, it is difficult to go back. Partial bottle feeding with infant milk, especially in the first few weeks, may reduce the supply of your breastmilk. The cost and social implications of using formula milk should be considered.

If you use formula milk, it is very important that you use infant milk throughout the first year (or follow on milks can be used from 6 months). It is important that you follow all usage instructions very carefully. Failure to choose an appropriate feed or to use it incorrectly can be harmful to your baby’s health.

By proceeding, you will be able to view information about HiPP Organic infant milks and other formulas. If you choose to do so, you are accepting that HiPP Organic is providing this information at your individual request for informational purposes.

I agree to the terms of this notice
4 months+ foods

4 months+ foods

With simple flavours, mild tastes and smooth textures, these recipes are perfect for the start of weaning.

Apple and Blueberry Dessert - 125g

Apple and Blueberry Dessert - 125g

Baby Rice - 160g

Baby Rice - 160g

Available Soon
Banana, Pear & Mango 100g

Banana, Pear & Mango 100g

Cheesy Spinach and Potato Bake - 125g

Cheesy Spinach and Potato Bake - 125g

Available Soon
Mango Apple & Peach 100 g

Mango, Apple & Peach Pouch 100g

Available Soon
Pear, Banana & Kiwi 100g

Pear, Banana & Kiwi 100g

Available Soon
Spaghetti Bolognese 125g

Spaghetti Bolognese 125g
